Your Trusted Partner in Perimenopause Wellness
Nothing Changes if Nothing Changes.
Rose Lopiano, Certified Menopause Coaching Specialist
Rose Lopiano, who has yet to go through menopause herself, went out to lead women just like her mom to Menopause Mastery .
Trained by the North American Menopause Society and Girls Gone Strong, she merges her menopause training with her personal training and plant based nutrition backgrounds. She has applied her engineer mindset to both coaching and business.
She quit her engineering job at a pharmaceutical company 4 years ago to go all in with Body Blueprint full time.
Recognized as a highly sought-out consultant by lifestyle medicine physicians and whole food plant based organizations, her program Body Blueprint, comprising of certified experts, helps thousands of professional women improve their fitness and nutrition.
Her clients include physicians, models, vegan recipe developers, corporate executives, and other coaches.
Laurel's Journey
Menopause ROCKED Laurel's world. A busy small business owner, she kept putting her goals off until one day she found Rose's Instagram and hesitantly booked a consultation call. The rest was history.
She went from never having meal prepped a day in her life to falling in love with Rose's recipes. Her joint pain from RA reduced by week 4 and she was able to go travel overseas for the very first time, feeling lean and strong.
Postpartum to menopause:
Your complete women's healthcare
Our Vision
Our desire is to help you realize that you CAN feel comfortable, and look LEAN- in your clothes and naked.
Nothing changes if nothing changes.
Achieving your dream body begins and ends in the mind. Cultivating a BOLD mindset to change your habits requires you to rewire limiting beliefs holding you back.
Getting what you want begins with your self image. Our founder & CEO Rose Lopiano is now one of the most highly sought out plant based menopause experts in the world. Her methodology is incorporated into our customized program.
Meet our World Class Coaches
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